The empowered mother...

Finding her confidence

Welcome Mama,

I am Adeline Dubreuil, mother of 2 children. I am a certified Matrescence educator and an AMI Montessori teacher as well as the host of Understanding Mother Stories podcast.

Adeline's Headshot photo
Mother and child


Matrescence is the process through which a woman goes from pre-conception, pregnancy and birth into her post-natal phase. It goes beyond birth and the newborn phase, to me, Matrescence is for life. To navigate it, mothers need support and this is why I am here.


My motto is “The empowered mother finding her confidence”. This says it all, I want mothers to find the power within themselves to speak up and find what they need to be the mothers they want to be. We need to stop making decision based on what family and friends say or on what seems great on social media, we have the power to feel confident in our mothering and take care of our well-being.

I am creating courses to accompany you through pregnancy and beyond birth.

Woman stretching before sunset
Understand Mothers' Stories Podcast


Understanding Mother Stories – Your 10 minutes to talk about mothering and matrescence.

Each episode is short and sweet and will take you through some mothers stories, questions about motherhood and Adeline will be deciphering all of the above.